Author Archives: qpoadmin
6 Points Of Tabligh

The Sahaba Radiallahu anhum had many good qualities. Our elders have extracted six such qualities which if we bring into our lives, then to follow the rest of Deen will be easy.
The first quality was the quality of Iman. The kalima Lailaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah, means that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammed Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the messenger of Allah.
The Sahaba Radiallahu anhum strove in the path of Allah to strengthen their yaqeen that Allah Ta’ala does everything without the help of the creation, and the creation can do nothing without the help of Allah Ta’ala. They also strengthened their yaqeen that ONLY in following the life style of Nabi Karim Sallallahu alaihi wasallam will a person be successful. All other ways of life will bring failure to a person not only in this world but also in the grave and the hereafter.
This kalima is so valuable that if a person recites it 100 times a day, his face will shine like the 14th moon. A person who revives one sunnah of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam during the time of fitnah and fasad, will get the reward of 100 shaheeds. A shaheed is that person who fought in the path of Allah Ta’ala, and before his first drop of blood touches the ground, all his sins are forgiven.
To obtain the reality of this kalima, a person must daily invite towards this kalima and he must also make dua that Allah Ta’ala places the reality of this kalima into our hearts.
The second quality which the Sahaba possessed was the quality of salaah. The first and foremost thing ordained by Allah Ta’ala after Iman was salaah, and the first thing to be reckoned for on the day of Qiyamah will be salaah.
Salaah is a means by which a person comes closer to Allah Ta’ala, and also a means of taking from the treasures of Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala will grant a person in the habit of performing his salaah on time with concentration and devotion, five favours:
1. His rizq (sustenance) will be made easy.
2. He will be safe from the punishment of the grave.
3. He will receive his book of deeds in his right hand.
4. He will cross the bridge of siraat with the speed of lightning.
5. He will enter Jannah without any reckoning.
To acquire concentration in salaah, a person must perform long rakaats of nafl salaah.
It is obligatory on every male and female to acquire the basic knowledge of Deen. One should know what is halaal and what is haraam, and must be able to distinguish between right and wrong.
If a person who is ignorant and is in the process of learning Deen has to pass away, his status will be just one below the Ambiyaa Alaihimus Salaam. The angels spread their wings under the feet of a person seeking the knowledge of Deen. The animals in the jungle, the birds in the air and the fish in the sea make dua of forgiveness for him.
For the fazaail [virtues] one must participate in the taalim of the masjid and one must also make taalim at home. For the masaail we should ask the Ulama.
All the creation of Allah make the zikr of Allah. Man who is the best of creation must also make the zikr of Allah. The one who makes the zikr of Allah is like a living person and the one who does not make the zikr of Allah is like a dead person. Zikr creates the consciousness of Allah, that Allah is all- seeing and al- hearing. A person who remembers Allah after Fajr salaah and after Asr salaah is like a person who makes zikr of Allah all day long.
Make a habit of reciting the third kalima, durood shareef and istighfaar 100 times each after the Fajr and Asr salaah. Read a portion of the Quran and the duas on the relevant occasions.
A person who fulfills the need of a Muslim brother, Allah Ta’ala will grant him 73 rewards. 72 will be kept in the aakhirah, and with the one reward, Allah will fulfil all his needs of the world.
We must respect the elders and the Ulama and be kind to the youth. The best ikraam one can do for a person during the time of fitnah and fasaad is to guide him onto the right path.
For every act, one must check one’s intention, that it is only for the pleasure of Allah. A date given in the path of Allah for the pleasure of Allah will earn great rewards in the hereafter. On the other hand if a person gave a great sum of money for the sake of show, then he will be taken to task on the day of Qiyaamah. We must check our intentions in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of every act, thereafter make istighfaar for any shortcoming in our intentions.
The Sahaba Radiallahu anhum strove in the path of Allah Ta’ala to elevate the name of Allah. To uphold the Deen of Allah, they went through great difficulties. Some of them made their wives widows and their children orphans. There were days when some of the Sahaba had no food in their homes. During the battle of the trench, a Sahabi told Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam that he was hungry for the past three days. He uncovered his stomach to show that he had a stone fastened on his stomach to keep his back upright. Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam felt sorry and told him that he was also hungry for the last three or four days. Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam showed him his stomach and told him to observe that he had two stones fastened on his belly.
Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the Sahaba Radiallahu anhum watered the garden of Islam with their blood. Today our elders want us to sacrifice only a little of our sweat in the path of Allah. Alhamdulillah with the effort of jamaat, extemely great changes are occuring throughout the world. Hence, let us also give some time in the path of Allah to bring Deen into our lives and into the lives of the whole of mankind till the day of Qiyaamah.
Namaz & Quran

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
It is not one aayah, but several aayahs that when read in combination gives guidance of the prayer timings. What we, as believers, need to determine is how did the Prophet of Allah (saws) understand and implement these commandments in his life and the lives of the believers. There is absolutely no doubt and the Ummah of Islam is unanimous that the Prophet (saws) led the congregation of the believers at the five different appointed prayer times of the day.
Many years after the death of the Prophet (saws), some unscrupulous people and leaders, just to break away from mainstream Islam and create divisions and differences in the Ummah, started to combine the prayers from five to three, and pray three on a regular basis. Even if you ask the people who combine and pray three times a day, they will confirm that at the time of the Messenger of Allah (saws), there were five prayers prayed in the Mosque at five different times!
The Quranic aayats regarding the timing of prayers are as follows:
Chapter 11, Surah Hud ayaat 114: Establish the Salat at the two ends of the day and in the early part of the night. (implies fajr, magrib and isha)
Chapter 2, Surah Baqarah ayaat 238:Take great care of your Prayers, especially of the middle Prayer and stand before Allah like devoted servants. (implies asr)
Chapter 17 Bani Israel ayaat 78:Establish the Salat from the declining of the sun to the darkness of the night and be particular about the recital of the Quran at dawn for the recital of the Quran at dawn is witnessed. (implies asr, magrib and fajr)
Chapter 30 Surah Rum ayat 17:So, glorify Allah in the evening and in the morning; praise is due to Him alone in the heavens and the earth: and (glorify Him) in the afternoon and at the declining of the day. (implies fajr, magrib, dhuhr and asr)
Chapter 50 Surah Qaf ayat 39:Therefore, O Prophet (saws), bear with patience whatever they say, and keep up glorifying your Lord with his praise, before sunrise and before sunset. And glorify Him again in the night and also when are free from prostrations. (implies fajr, dhuhr, asr, isha and tahajjud)
The prayer timings in the Quran are implied and thus if the above ayaats are read together, they clearly point towards the 5 obligatory fard prayers.
A point to note when reading and understanding the Quran is that we must see how the Prophet (saws) understood and implemented the aayaats. There is no doubt and even the Bohra scholars will have to agree that the Prophet (saws) and all his companions prayed 5 times in Medina and not three times as some factions of Islam pray today. There are many evidences in the traditions of the Prophet that he went for asr prayers and Isha prayers separately again to the Mosque everyday to lead the congregation. Prayer was such a thing that it happened 5 times a day in front of thousands of people and thousands of people witnessed the timings and related them in their narrations.
The Prophet (saws) did pray 3 times a day, but only when he was traveling and this too is very evident from his various traditions. In times of extreme rain, he did join sometimes the dhuhr/asr and also the magrib/isha prayers according to one tradition. But on a regular basis, he always led the congregation on the allotted 5 different times.
Praying 3-times a day regularly is an innovation which was added about 300 years after the Prophets (saws) death to make it easier for the followers of some sects. But the majority of muslims carried on the correct tradition of the Prophet (saws) and continued to pray 5 times a day. The choice is clearly between following the Prophet (saws) or an innovation.
It has been reported in an authentic narration that the Prophet of Allah (saws) said: Whoever introduces a bida (innovation) in this deen brought by me (saws), it will be rejected.
It has been reported by Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (r.a.) that the Prophet of Allah (saws) said: If anyone introduces an innovation (in religion), he will be responsible for it. If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who introduces an innovation (in religion), he is cursed by Allah, by His angels, and by all the people.
The other obvious thing to note here is that everybody agrees that there are five prayers and not three… fajr, dhuhr, asr, magrib and isha. For convenience, some mis-guided people have added dhuhr and asr and again magrib and isha, but the Prophet led prayers 5 times a day everyday in regular times in Medina and all scholars of every school of thought agree to this.
Ask a scholar of any sect who propagates three prayers a day to prove that the Prophet (saws) prayed 3 times instead of 5 times on a regular basis, and he will vouch that the Prophet (saws) and his companions prayed 5 different times a day in Medina as long as he was alive. We are not allowed in Islam to change or alter any of the commandments of Allah and His Messenger (saws), and thus it is a duty and an obligation that a true believer must pray the five prayers at their appointed times every day.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 103:Indeed, the salaat is a prescribed duty that should be performed at the appointed times by the believers.
Blessings of Reciting Quran Daily

Reciting Quran on daily bases:
Although Muslims give great respect to Quran and conduct their matters under the light of instructions mentioned in Quran, however, due to the busy routine of the present day life, very few find the time of reciting the Holy Quran on daily bases. Besides religious benefits in the form of rewards, there are other benefits and blessings of Quran, which one misses by not reciting it on regular bases. The lines below bring to light those blessings and benefits that are missed because of not reciting Quran on daily bases.
Understanding The Purpose Of Revelation:
The first and perhaps the most important blessing missed by a person by not reciting Quran on daily bases is the forgetfulness of the real purpose of revelation. Although at the time of need and in case of any problem Muslims turn towards Quran, however, when Quran reading is done on daily bases, a Muslim gets to know about the real purpose behind revelation. This purpose is mentioned in Quran in the following way:
Blessing of Allah On Human being
“A Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may receive admonition.” (38:29)
From this ayah of Quran, it is clear that the purpose of Quran is to bring blessings to a person and it instigates the spirit of monitoring in the readers. Therefore, if one does not read Quran on daily bases, he or she is actually missing a chance of getting inspiration to ponder over all the things Allah has created and all the matters of life.
Framework For Mind:
There is no denying the instructional importance of Quran for a Muslim. Therefore, if a Muslim does not read Quran on daily bases, he or she is actually missing out a chance of providing the right framework to mind. When the mind has as such no framework to follow, the ultimate result can be the mind forgetting its true guidelines of becoming a good Muslim and the person falling stray from the path of righteousness. Hence, when Quran is read on daily bases, the framework presented by Allah almighty keeps on getting refreshed in the mind and sticking to the right path becomes easy.
Recitation Benefits:
The obvious benefit of missing the daily recitation of Quran that a person experiences is the loss of recitation benefits. Allah Almighty has set reward against each and every word of Quran, therefore, by reciting Quran on daily basis, a person gets plenty of reward, which gets missed if the recitation is not done on regular basis. Therefore, in order to gain religious reward, a Muslim needs to recite Quran on regularly every day.
Cleansing Of Heart:
Quran being a Heavenly Book is not merely words, rather Quran has a direct influence on the heart of the reader or the listener. When a Muslim recites Quran, it effects the heart and purifies it by cleaning it from all the impurities that stick on it. Allah Almighty says in Quran:
understanding purpose of revealing according to Quran
“O mankind! There hath come to you an admonition from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts and for those who believe, a Guidance and Mercy.” (10:57)
Thus, from this ayah of Quran it is evident that one of the objectives of Quran recitation is to help purify the heart and clean it from impurities and diseases of all sorts and kinds.
Chance of Conversing With Allah Almighty:
The common perception prevalent pertaining to reciting Quran is that it is a one way method, where the reciter keeps on reciting Quran and the blessings and rewards keep on adding into his or her account. However, this is not the only way of reciting Quran, rather it can be made attractive and in doing so it can initiate a sort of conversation with Allah Almighty. The example of which can be seen in the form of the way Prophet (PBUH) reciting Quran:
“And when He (Prophet) recited the verses which referred to the Glory of Allah, He glorified Him, the Great, and when He recited the verses that mention supplication, He supplicated, and when He recited the Verses that mention seeking Refuge of the Rabb He sought (His) refuge” (Muslim)
Therefore, if one recites Quran in the way Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to do and when such type of recitation is missed in any day, it actually is like missing a chance of interacting and conversing with Allah Almighty.
In a nutshell, besides the fact that daily reciting Quran brings reward from Allah, it can also bring other benefits in the form of cleansing of heart, revitalization of the true path, a chance of conversing with Allah and thus becoming a better Muslim every day. Therefore,if someone does not know how to read and recite arabic, it is advised to consider the services of a Quran Tutoring Academy which would help in order to teach Arabic and then help the students understand the message of quran.
Fazeelat Of Ramadan

Ramdhan & Holy Quran
The blessings and benefits of Ramadhan Fasting are too many to be counted. If one does recognize them and realize their importance, he wishes to have the month of Ramadhan to be throughout the whole year.
These blessings are given by Allah to the fasting Muslims, who are to fast with full faith and expectation.
These blessings and benefits of the month of fasting during Ramadhan have been grouped and summarized into different categories. They are summarized here without commentary. It should be remembered that all of these blessings were taken directly from Holy Quran and Hadith.
The following is a partial list for the blessings and benefits of Ramadhan Fasting:
33 Blessings and Benefits of Ramadhan FastingFearing Allah (SWT)
Practicing the Revelations of Allah (SWT)
Accepting the little things that one has achieved
Preparing for departure from this world to the Hereafter
By accepting these criteria and by practicing them, the Muslim will achieve the concept of Taqwa in his private and public life.
Avoiding Immorality
Avoiding anger/outcry/uproar
Avoiding stupidity
Avoiding all makrooh/mashbooh/haram
By achieving these good manners, a Muslim will come out of fasting a better human being in the society.
03. Revelation of Holy Quran:
The Holy Quran was revealed during the month of Ramadhan. The Holy Quran is meant to be:
A Guidance to mankind
A Manifestation of right from wrong
A Summation and culmination of all previous revelations
A Glad-tiding to the believers
A Healer
A Mercy
04. Doors of heaven are open
05. Doors of hell are closed
06. Devils are chained down
07. Fasting with Iman (faith) and expectation:
Such type of intention leads to forgiveness by Allah (SWT) to the individual’s sins.
08. Door of Rayyan:
There is in Paradise a door called Al-Rayyan. It is for the fasting Muslims. Only those who fasted the month of Ramadhan are the ones to enjoy the bliss of Paradise inside that area.
09. Rejoices:
There are two types of rejoices for the Muslims who fast. These are:
When breaking fast
When meeting Allah (SWT) on the day of Judgment
10. Mouth Smell:
The smell of the mouth of the fasting Muslim will be better than the smell of musk during the day of Judgement. (Bad Breath)
11. Glad-Tidings: These glad-tidings are given to the well-wishers while the ill-wishers are to be stopped during fasting.
12. Ramadhan -to- Ramadhan:
Whoever fasts two consecutive months of Ramadhan with good intention will receive forgiveness for the mistakes committed throughout the year.
13. Multiplication of Rewards:
Doing good = 10x, 70x, 700x or more during the month of Ramadhan.
14. Feeding Others:
Whoever invites others to break the fast, and whoever takes care of the hungry, needy, during the last ten days of Ramadhan will receive equal rewards to the fasting person(s).
15. Blessing of Iftar:
Dua is accepted by ALLAH (SWT) at Iftar time.
16. Blessings of Sahoor (The late night meal):
This meal time gives the opportunity for:
Blessings of Sahoor and IftarNight Prayers
Zikr, Remembrance, Contemplation
Recitation of Holy Quran
Fajr Salat in Jamaat
Dua of Fajr
17. Night Prayers:
Whoever performs the Night prayers with sincerity and good intention will receive forgiveness of his past mistakes.
18. Shafa’at (Pleading One’s Case for Forgiveness):
Whoever fasts Ramadhan will receive on the day of Judgement the Shafa’at of:
Holy Quran
19. Ihya (Passing Nights Awake):
Last ten days of Ramadhan. When a Muslim makes this type of effort, he will get rewards, forgiveness, and multiples of blessings.
20. Itikaf (Retreat):
A Muslim who performs Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan will get:
Blessings and rewards
Peace of mind
Contemplation and evaluation
Better citizen
21. Lailatul Qadr (The Night of Power):
Whoever observes it with sincerity and good intention will get the following benefits:
Forgiveness of mistakes
Better than 1,000 months
Reading Holy Quran
Better human being
22. Generosity:
Kindness, hospitality, visitation, etc. All of these and many more are among the benefits of Ramadhan.
23. Zakat al-Fitrah (Charity on Eid Day):
The benefits of paying such as charity to the needy are tremendous, among which are the following:
Feeding the needy
Sharing happiness
Improving human relations
Improving society
24. Sadaqah (Charity):
The benefits of paying sadaqah are many. These are summarized as follows:
Flourishing of wealth
Improving economy
Circulation of wealth
Elimination of inflation
Elimination of poverty
25. Fasting and Health:
By fasting, one gets the following benefits:
Sadaqah (Charity)Purification of body from toxins
Reducing of weight
Purity of brain
Rejuvenation of body
Living of life with happiness
Looking younger
26. Change of Lifestyle:
By living a different life style, one gets rid of the monotony of life and hence enjoys his life span.
27. Sharing:
Of hunger, thirst and rituals with others in the society.
28. Eid-ul-Fitr (Feast): Sharing of happiness and visitation of one another as members of the society.
29. Graveyards Visitation: One will get the following benefits by visiting graveyards.
Dua for the deceased
Preparing oneself for departure from this world
Feeling respect for the deceased
Making the person to be humble in his life
30. Every breath is Tasbiih. Every breath and even sleep is Ibadah and awarded.
31. Umrah in Ramadhan: Visiting Makkah during the fasting month of Ramadhan is:
Equal to one Hajj (pilgrimage)
Equal to one Hajj with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
32. Historical Successes and Victories in Ramadhan: Muslims throughout their history received many benefits during Ramadhan the month of fasting, among which are the following:
Battle of Badr
Battle of Khandaq
Opening of Makkah
Battle of Tabuk
Tariq Ibn Ziyad opened Europe
Salahuddin liberated Jerusalem from the crusaders
Egypt and Israel, 1973 – Egyptians kicked the Israelis out of Egypt during Ramadhan the month of fasting, etc.
33. Learning lessons from historical incidents that happened during Holy Ramadhan the month of fasting, e.g.
Wafaat Hazrat Khadijeh (as).
Wiladat Imam Hassan bin Ali (as).
Shahadat Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as).